
As Youth Sports evolves and expands, new teams are developed, new event operators enter the market, and more sports facilities are built, the need for certified sports officials multiplies.

Grassroots Sports are those events, leagues, and tournaments that are operated by private groups across the country. Not to be confused with “school sports”, grassroots sports has expanded into a multi-billion dollar industry with millions of youth sports competitions happening each and every week, and weekend.

Our Association is dedicated to certifying officials so that the growing need of officials can be met, and youth can be provided a safe environment to continue to compete and the Grassroots Level.

All of our certifications are done online, and can be done at the leisure of the user. Aspiring officials will learn the rules of their desired sport, expectations of an official and the “Four P’s” of sports officiating:

  • Preparation

  • Professionalism

  • Prevention

  • Positioning

They will learn through video and text, and will be equipped with the necessary knowledge they need to offer a safe field of competition for all participating athletes.

We look forward to seeing you ‘between the lines’!